9 Sales quotes by Mark Hunter

9 Sales quotes by Mark Hunter

For many people Sales is the most toughest job in the world. For remaining folks it is PASSION. Lookaround yourself and you will surely find people who are complaining about sales targets. Now, sales targets are never going to be achieved as you achieve one, new target will be ready. If you yourself are a salesperson you may get frustrated with never ending sales targets set by your boss. If you are really passionate about sales, then targets must not frustrate you but motivate to raise the sales for your organisation. A performing sales person is loved by all organisations, from startups to bluechip companies. It is your boss’ job to don’t let you settle ofcourse with good intention. You should worry only when you are not paid. Pressure is always present in all career types but only a SALES pressure is worth for your capabilities.

If you are on this website and reading these sales quotes, it means you are either a sales person working in any organisation or a sales team leader who need to motivate his sales team or a business owner who has concern about his own sales skills. No matter who you are as person, by profession you are a sales champ. Use following quotes by Sales guru Mark Hunter to motivate yourself or your team or both. Feel free to download them and use on your company’s whatsapp group. Discuss the moral behind these sales quotes to achieve what you aim for.

After Sales quote by Mark Hunter
Meaning of this sales quote : A  sales person who wants to be successful must be grt at satisfying the customer expectations. The customer is satisfied and delighted when she or he gets what you promised they would get by using your products or services. Make it sure that you both are on same page regarding expectations. Expectations gap is the reason for Upset customer.

Motivational Sales quotes by Mark Hunter
Meaning of this sales quote : Be positive about you, your products and reason for which the prospect will be converted into customer.

Persistence Sales quotes by Mark Hunter
Meaning of this sales quote : Don’t get demotivated because previous sales call didn’t work. Keep calling from the database who knows the next customer was waiting for your phone call to buy your products or services ? Generally it happens. Don’t give in cold calling.

Repeat Sales quote by Mark Hunter
Meaning of this sales quote : A sales person who believes in only one time sale to one customer has not understood sales. He need to learn how sales works. And that won’t be taught in any bschool offering MBA programmes. Pay attention to sales training provided in your organisation. Each money spent on sales training should be repaid by you in terms of huge sales achievement.

Sales confidance quote by Mark Hunter
Meaning of this sales quote : Confidence is the key to sales closing. The prospect will be as confident about product as you are. Talk confidently. For that, do your proper homework before starting a personal selling process.

Sales problems quote by Mark Hunter
Meaning of this sales quote : You are at customer’s doorstep to solve his problems not your problems and you need to convince him why he must buy your product and how it will solve his problems.

Sales quote by Mark Hunter Sales quotes by Mark Hunter Sales referrals quote by Mark Hunter
Meaning of this sales quote : A satisfied customer gives more hot leads / referrals than your promotional campaigns. A happy and satisfied customer is best promotional investment. And he won’t give the referrals on his own. You will need to ask for it. Make a habit to ask for at least 3 referrals once he himself has been delighted by your product and after sales service. A successful salesperson is the one who practices this without a fail.

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