Motivation quotes by Rumi

Rumi quotes

When it comes to motivational quotes, RUMI has to be there in list of top thinkers who have touched the hearts of billions through their gem thoughts. No matter where you come from, the motivational thoughts by Rumi is surely a must required collection you need to have to stay positive in whatever condition of life. Feel free to download Motivational quotes by rumi in form of Poster images and send them on whatsapp or facebook status.

Best Motivational quotes by Rumi
Meaning : You never loss. It just goes away temporary. What you lost will comeback to you sooner or later in other form.

Rumi motivational quote
Quote meaning : You are unique and god has made you to attain something which only you can do. Find your true-self and celebrate life the best possible way.

Best Motivational quotes by Rumi on love
Meaning : You were no born as hater. You were loved when you were born. You were loved when you were growing up. Even you loved the people around you. Love was inbuilt feature you new born baby. it is only that experience of life installed hate towards people and situations in you. Now if you want to find the love again, all what you need to do is erase that hate which standing between you and love. Best of luck !!!

Motivational quotes of Rumi
Meaning : You never lose people. They will comeback if you are true.


Motivational quotes by Rumi

Best rumi quote about right or wrong
Meaning : What is right and what is wrong ? Before you jump to the conclusion, let us discuss the matter from all possible angles. It is possible that nothing is wrong. It is only a difference of opinion because we see things differently. So to leave peacefully, don’t be judgmental about people and matters.

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