Startup quotes as Poster Image

Startup quotes as Poster Image

Startup champion Steve jobs
Meaning : Not everyone can be Startup champ. You got to have the skills and temperaments of a entrepreneur to successfully march ahead.

Startup competition quote
Meaning : It is not good idea to not to have features of competitor’s product. Remember you are providing solutions to problems. You are not there to fight the competitors. However there comes a limit to what you can copy and where you should start creating something new. Inspiration is ok. Plagiarism or being clone is not.

Startup customers
Meaning : There has been a misconception that just because you are pioneer in your field, customer will stay with you. That has never been the case if you check the history. Google was very late to enter the search market but it not only rules today, most of its competitors have shut the business. The pioneers are seen no where. The point is…you have to constantly innovate to be useful. Upgrade or get lost amidst the competition. Consumers are moving faster than you think.

Startup customers quote by Jeff Bezos
Meaning : Most business do mistake of considering customers as outsiders. Actually they are the key stakeholders to your entrepreneural journey. They are the reason you are in the market. If there is no demand there is no product. If there is no need of product there is no need of new startup.

Meaning : Good intentions are not substitute of bad decision making. Your business and market doesn’t require your feelings but a logical decision process.

Startup product must be solid
Meaning : Startup is never about doing a cliched business and making more money. It is about innovation.

Startup quote about persistence
Meaning : Don’t expect a smooth ride when you startup. Starting-up has never been easy. It will never be. You have to pass from one phase to another with great motivation and passion.

Startup quote about product
Meaning : Product comes first, Promotion comes later. Promotion is necessary today in a competitive market but there won’t be any use of it if your product is useless.

Startup quote by babe ruth
Meaning : That’s a basic quality of a leader, a fighter, an entrepreneur. Be like that.

Startup quote by elon musk
Meaning : Your goal is to create new things and not to try the same old thing. In order to not to fail you stick to old ways and thus prevent your self creating new great product. Innovation must be your fist motivation as a startup entrepreneur.

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