Birthday card for sister

Your sister is your first best friend since childhood. She is the know who knows your sorrows and happiness. Your sister is the your mother. Your sister is your child. She is the best gift for you from your parents. Today on this website we are sharing with you Birthday greeting cards for Sister.  It […]

Child education quote

When Indian politicians talk about eradicating poverty from India and waging war against poverty to uplift the poor of the nation, most people don’t believe them based on their past experiences with the people and political parties who rules India. One solid reason for non believing them is that….the rich has become more richer and […]

Digital India

While most of Indian politicians have been accused of staying out of contact of their voters, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has successfully built a brand positioning for himself that he is the leader with strong opinion for technology and digitization. He proved so by having strong presence on Social media platform such as twitter […]

Clean India quote by Indian Prime Minister

Clean India has been one of the top most priority of Indian Prime Minister modi who won the loksabha election 2014 with great majority. He himself is very keen about cleanliness and surely believes that the nation which wants to be super power in the world first need clean itself. During the entire clean Indian […]

Namo's comment about India

Meaning : India existed before 1947. Politicians did not create India. India is created by Indians of all age, all caste and creed, from all economic backgrounds. Meaning : It is truly win for democracy when a suppressed person goes on to become the Prime Minister of the nation. A tea vendor becomes PM and […]

Failure Quote by Narendra Modi

Minimum government maximum governance. This is the mantra with which Indian Prime Minister Narendra modi promised the nation for archhe din. As he finishes two years as PM of India, following are other good quotes made by the political leader.

Narendra modi on Hinduism

Same is the definition of Hinduism for RSS. But if he uses name of RSS, people would not accept it.     Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi works tirelessly round the clocks thanks to YOGA. He is someone who is very much concerned about health.

Funny Poster for Facebook

Fee free to use following Image posters for Facebook. These handcrafted Quote images can also be used on whats-app, Instagram and other social media platforms. Your ethics, your strengths and your weakness will come out when you start to exhaust. What comes obvious is not reality.   A match is of 50 overs and you have […]

Perseverance Quote images

Meaning : Whether you achieve or your goal or not, you win. Yes if you didn’t achieve your goal because you did not apply yourself with all mind and strength and perseverance. And you did not apply it because you did not want to achieve your goal. Thus by losing goal you have won. Confused […]

Perservence Quote

Meaning : Be like an ant. It falls many time but still tries to climb the wall. If it doesn’t get up it will not move any further. Staying at the same place for long time will make you rigid and useless.     Meaning : Being pessimistic is not the option. Have hope and be […]